1 Lady Owner since 1966:

1965 Pontiac Le Mans Coupe
* California Survivor *

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Notice the DMV envelope, dated DEC-1,'64, which we believe is the very envelope the original title was mailed in.

Patricia purchased this Pontiac on July 29, 1966. At that time the car carried the California black plate REW 850.

In 1972, when California introduced vanity plates, she got the California blue plate TECOLUK, her maiden name.

Finally, after Patricia's passing in 2012, her husband got the just introcuced black legacy plate 1965 PONT assigned to the car, which it still carries today.

He kept the car registered for another 12 years until he, now aged 86 and suffering from Alzheimer's, had to move into assisted living.


You are most welcome to inspect this fine automobile at our location in Ventura, by appointment, or have someone inspect it for you.
Please, direct all inquiries to info@californiaclassix.com or call us at (805)792-9797.